Future perspectives in
times of change

Which Which trends will determine the future - how well am I prepared?

Where Where is the market heading - has the real estate boom come to an end?

Why, especially in times of structural and technological transformation, the concept of the digital brokerage offers decisive advantages for real estate agents and career changers?

How agile and scalable is my business model in times of crisis?

What factors make me a successful networker and entrepreneur?

Our speakers

Andreas Steinle

CEO & Founder Zukunftsinstitut Workshop, Trend & Innovations­berater
"Was sind Megatrends? - Warum es Sinn ergibt, diese bei der persön­lich­en Lebensplanung zu berück­sichtigen und wie sich diese auf die Immobilien­branche auswirken“

Prof. Dr. Tobias Just

„Wohnimmobilienmarkt - quo vadis? - Wie wirkt sich die Krise auf Preise und Trans­aktions­volumen aus?“

Uwe Steinweh

Coach, Speaker, Netzwerker
„Schlüssel für er­folgreiches Netz­werken und warum dies ge­rade für Immobilienmakler so wichtig ist“

Marcus Walthaner

CEO & Cofounder der iad Deutschland GmbH
„Die Erfolgs­faktoren des iad Ge­schäft­modells und warum kol­la­borative Netzwerke gerade in an­gespannten Zeiten eine in­teres­sante Alternative für Immobilien­erfahrene und Quer­einsteiger sind.“

Martin Limbeck

Mehrfach ausgezeichneter Unternehmer & Vertriebscoach, Berater & Autor
„Kaum einer weiß so gut wie er, was es heißt, ganz unten an­zu­fan­gen und dass Erfolg kein Zufall ist. ‘Erst schaufeln, dann scheffeln’ ist sein Motto. Wie er das geschafft hat und wie es jedem gelingen kann, ins Handeln zu kommen, um mehr zu erreichen - darum und um vieles mehr geht es in seinem Impulsvortrag.“

Andreas Steinle

"What are megatrends? - Why it makes sense to take them into account when planning your personal life and how they affect the real estate industry".
  • Andreas Steinle

    "What are megatrends? - Why it makes sense to take them into account when planning your personal life and how they affect the real estate industry".

Andreas Steinle

CEO & Founder Futuresinstitut Workshop, Trend & Innovation Consultant​

Prof. Dr. Tobias Just

"Residential real estate market - quo vadis? - How is the crisis affecting prices and transaction volumes?"

  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Just

    "Residential real estate market - quo vadis? - How is the crisis affecting prices and transaction volumes?"

Prof. Dr. Tobias Just

CEO & scientific director of the IREBS Real Estate Academy, expert in real estate management

Marcus Walthaner

"The success factors of the iad business model and why collaborative networks are an interesting alternative for real estate professionals and career changers, especially in tight times."
  • Marcus Walthaner

    "The success factors of the iad business model and why collaborative networks are an interesting alternative for real estate professionals and career changers, especially in tight times."

Marcus Walthaner

CEO & Cofounder iad Deutschland GmbH

Uwe Steinweh

"Networking as a success booster for real estate consultants - How to find and successfully build good business relationships?"
  • Uwe Steinweh

    "Networking as a success booster for real estate consultants - How to find and successfully build good business relationships?"

Uwe Steinweh

Coach, speaker, networker​

Martin Limbeck

He knows what it means to start from scratch and that success is no coincidence. How he achieved this and how anyone can succeed in taking action to achieve more - that and much more is what his keynote address will be about.
  • Martin Limbeck

    He knows what it means to start from scratch and that success is no coincidence. How he achieved this and how anyone can succeed in taking action to achieve more - that and much more is what his keynote address will be about.

Martin Limbeck

Multiple award-winning entrepreneur & sales coach, consultant & author​

The Location

  • Get Together Dinner
  • WESTHAFEN PIER 1 Evening Panorama
  • Outdoor Roof Top WESTHAFEN PIER 1
  • Christmas WESTHAFEN PIER
  • Main View vom WESTHAFEN PIER 1

Westhafen Pier 1

Industrial charm between power plant and river Main: The event location Westhafen Pier 1 not only offers a direct view of the waterfront and the water, but is also very easy to reach.


Be successful in the real estate business as an independent entrepreneur - but with a strong network behind you!
We support you in mastering the challenges of the current technological and structural changes in the real estate industry.

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